Plot Summary:A tire comes off a moving truck and becomes a deadly weapon, hitting a mother and child. The problem was caused by the vehicle manufacturer's failure to recall the vehicle, but the blame falls on the head of the delivery company who, despairing, searches for evidence that the recall was suppressed. Crossing paths with banks, police, weekly magazine writers, the victim's family, and various others, he eventually gets to the truth of the matter.
staranise • 媳妇三观正的重要性
一般来说,我比较中意欢脱一点的剧。脱离生活的。鬼马的。异想天开的。。。商业剧不碰,半泽直树都没看完。 但是这部刷的异常顺利。只用一个下午加晚上。大概因为只有五集。给了我看完的信心。 ...