古巴难民青年托尼(阿尔•帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)逃难来到了美国的迈阿密,成了一个典型的天不怕、地不怕的美国街头小混混。托尼在当地的一个毒枭手下干活,因其心狠手辣、胆大心细,十分出色地帮老大完成了几件任务而迅速受到赏识,成为毒枭的第一得力助手。 然而托尼并没有就此满足,他先是从委内瑞拉的毒枭那里接下了大单子,接着将自己的眼中钉一颗颗除去,势力不断扩大。当他的老大感受到威胁时已经太晚了,托尼将老大干掉然后一统了迈阿密毒品市场的天下。 托尼得势后他的性格开始变得疑神疑鬼,对周围的人甚至至亲的家人、好兄弟都充满怀疑。疑心使他逐渐走上了不归路!Tony Montana manages to leave Cuba during the Mariel exodus of 1980. He finds himself in a Florida refugee camp but his friend Manny has a way out for them: undertake a contract killing and arrangements will be made to get a green card. He's soon working for drug dealer Frank Lopez and shows his mettle when a deal with Colombian drug dealers goes bad. He also brings a new level of violence to Miami. Tony is protective of his younger sister but his mother knows what he does for a living and disowns him. Tony is impatient and wants it all however, including Frank's empire and his mistress Elvira Hancock. Once at the top however, Tony's outrageous actions make him a target and everything comes crumbling down.