在教会的仪式上,多惠(宋慧乔 饰)对于未婚夫的意外死亡表现得极为大度,她甚至原谅了肇事者——年仅17岁的智敏,还替对方写了请愿书向法官求情。然而,未婚夫的大姐却对此耿耿于怀,她甚至指责多惠没有让杀人凶手得到惩罚。临别时,大姐送给了多惠生日礼物。而这让多惠陷入了对亡夫的追忆之中:一年前的某个雨夜,未婚夫驾车载多惠一道回家,因为那一天是她的生日,他们回忆起恋爱时的美好回忆,感到无比幸福。此时,未婚夫接到了烂醉好友的电话,多惠体贴地让他先去照顾好友,自己乘公车回家。没想到,这次分别竟成为诀别。雨夜,未婚夫被智敏飞驰的摩托车撞死。闻悉噩耗的多惠,始终保持了隐忍和克制,不仅原谅了智敏,而且还以宽宥的心拍摄宽容的纪录片,并支持废除死刑的教会活动。期间,她采访了形形色色的人物,见证了人性的诸般形态。当她了解到智敏的不幸遭遇,颇感震惊……A female producer loses her fiancée; in a hit and run accident and stands in the line of conflict. Da-hae who lost her fiancé in a hit and run accident, forgave the criminal who was 15 year old boy as her principle base on catholic belief and signs a petition for him. One year later, Da-hae makes a documentary to abolish the death penalty requested by Catholic Church. The time goes on and one day while having an interview with victims she started to feel the pain of her past and the victim who live with the forgiveness.