受过特警训练的警察陈家驹(成龙)为人正直办案拼命,时常将女友(张曼玉)忽略。某次围剿行动中陈家驹拘捕了大毒枭朱滔,但因证人(朱滔的秘书)莎莲娜(林青霞)的突然失踪,未能将其绳之于法,陈家驹因此受降职处分。事后含恨在心的朱滔为了报复陈家驹,设计将其诱至囚禁莎莲娜的别墅,并派手下杀死一名警察嫁祸其身,令陈家驹在警方的通辑令下只能四处流亡。 而侥幸逃脱的莎莲娜明白到朱滔为人不择手段的本质,为求自保,冒险潜入朱滔办公室偷得证据,却被其手下追杀至商场,陈家驹及时赶到,与朱滔手下展开激战。Kevin Chan (aka Jackie) is a Hong-Kong cop, who scores his first big hit by virtually single-handedly capturing and arresting a big drug- lord. Of course, the drug-lord isn't too happy about this, and frames Kevin with the murder of another cop (who happened to be on the take). Kevin has to clear his name, whilst keeping himself from getting killed or arrested, and keeping his girlfriend from leaving him.