第六季中,故事始终以两条叙事线索展开。其中一条,他们在岛上。另外一条,他们也坐过那班飞机,但飞机没有出事,因此每个人都在岛外过着完全不同的生活。戴斯蒙发现两个世界之间的连接点,他于是一个个地去找那些曾经同机的人,用各种极端的方式让他们“回忆”起在岛上那段其实他们并没有经历过的日子。很多从不相识的人因此走到了一起,相爱,幸福地生活在一起。而在岛上,他们早就因种种缘由失去了彼此。最后,杰克在父亲的葬礼上见到这些同伴们幸福的笑脸,他也笑了。一直以来在宿命和责任中挣扎的杰克,在“醒”来的那一刻,真正解脱了。In the aftermath of Juliet detonating the hydrogen bomb, Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Miles, Hurley and Jin find themselves still on the island in contemporary 2007 where they try to rescue Juliet in the remains of the Swan Station hatch, while Hurley has a meeting with the ghostly Jacob who tells them to take the severely wounded Sayid to a sanctuary temple. Meanwhile, Ben discovers that 'Locke' is not the same Locke who arrived and he wants to have a few words with the de facto leader Richard. In an alternate 2004, Flight 815 is shown landing at Los Angeles without incident where most of the group intermingle with the other passengers without knowledge of them ever meeting.