55岁开始的Hello Life55歳からのハローライフ(2014)

主演:中川雅也 Lily Franky/风吹淳 Jun Fubuki/原田美枝子 Mieko Harada/小林薰 Kaoru Kobayashi/尾形一成 Issei Ogata

导演:加藤拓 / 中岛由贵 / 编剧:村上龙 Ryû Murakami/大森寿美男 Sumio Omori/川崎いづみ


55岁开始的Hello Life主演:中川雅也 Lily Franky/风吹淳 Jun Fubuki/原田美枝子 Mieko Harada/小林薰 Kaoru Kobayashi/尾形一成 Issei Ogata, 这是五个55岁的男女人生的片段。   《房车》早期退休的富裕太郎(Lily Franky 饰)计划和妻子(户田惠子 饰)开房车周游全国,但他很快便被房车何在就业的念头所困扰;《失宠》家庭主妇高卷淑子(风吹纯 饰)和退休的丈夫(松尾铃木 饰)关系冷淡,名叫波比的宠物柴犬无形中修复着夫妻的感情;《婚姻介绍所》两年前离婚的中米志津子(原田美枝子 饰)靠韩剧打发时间,她渴望重新拥抱婚姻,为此来到了婚姻介绍所,渴望韩剧一般的邂逅;《旅行助手》物流卡车司机下总源一(小林薰 饰)孤身一人生活,他平日常光顾卖旧书的岛田书店,这天下总邂逅了高雅可亲的堀切彩子(安田成美 饰),生活仿佛有了转机;《重拾天梦》不想沦为流浪汉的因藤茂雄(イッセー尾形 饰)四处求职,他偶然发现自己被一个黑衣男子(火野正平 饰),那人竟是他学生时代的老相识。
The people featured in this drama are ordinary people. Just ordinary people going through their ordinary lives. These 5 people have all retired from their jobs, and are now embracing their sunset years. However, no matter how similar their profiles may be, none of them experience the exact same thing. Except perhaps, the harsh reality of lost youth. Marrying at an old age, going back to work again, family breakdown, saying goodbye to an old buddy, the death of a pet - in each story, we see the main character struggle to deal with their insecurities, as they finally find their ways and embark on new beginnings.

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