爱在巴黎另一端Five Hours from Paris(2009)

又名:Hamesh Shaot me'Pariz / 距离巴黎五小时

主演:Vladimir Friedman/Dror Keren/Elena Yaralova

导演:Leonid Prudovsky / 编剧:Erez Kav-El/Leonid Prudovsky



爱在巴黎另一端主演:Vladimir Friedman/Dror Keren/Elena Yaralova, 2009年以色列海法國際電影節最佳電影   人到中年的易高生活天天如是;每天駕著的士穿梭於特拉維夫的大街小巷,間中到前妻的家裡黐餐和探望兒子。他渴望有天能去巴黎,但一想到要搭乘五小時飛機便怕得要死!在平淡的日子裡,他忽然遇上兒子的詩歌班老師莉娜。兩顆寂寞的心很快便成為惺惺相惜的密友;但莉娜已經結婚,她在等待另一半接她往加拿大……人生總有大小的關卡,一笑置之過後,生活還是要繼續。
Only 5 flight hours from Paris, in a working-class suburb of Tel Aviv, two people meet. He is a bred-and-born Israeli and she is a Russian immigrant. He is a taxi driver and she is a music teacher. He has no aspirations. She gave up hers long ago. He is afraid of flying and she is about to fly away. What are the odds of them ending up together?


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Five Hours from Paris - Hamesh shaot me'Pariz [2009 - I
