
又名:Lizard Woman

主演:Pete Thongchua/Rungrawee Barijindakul

导演:Manop Udomdej / 编剧:Manop Udomdej



变蜥人魔主演:Pete Thongchua/Rungrawee Barijindakul, 泰国北部,考古学家们在进行文物考察时无意中在一个山洞发现了一个木盒,在返回营地的途中,他们不小心把木盒掉入了山谷。回到营地后,考古学家们一个个接连死亡,每个人身上都有令人惊恐的似乎是被蜥蜴咬伤的伤口。与此同时,在清迈,泰国著名女作家关正在宣传她的新书,闲暇之余她从当地人手里买了一个自己很喜欢的木盒。但从此她身边便开始出现很多奇怪的事情,关经常出现幻觉,甚至认为有蜥蜴咬她,这些幻觉让她整日魂不守舍,身为医生的男友给她做了详细的脑部检查也没有查出什么,但为了帮助关男友决定自己去寻找真相,最终男友却心痛地发现关已经不是原来的样子了。
While studying caves, a group of geologists leaded by Professor Maeda is attacked by gecko fiends that possess their bodies transforming them into zombies. The next morning, the local inspector finds the corpses of the team. Miss Kwan travels to that location to give lectures and is possessed by the evil gecko spirit, but her skeptical boyfriend doctor does not understand what is happening to her and believes she has suffered brain damage.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Lizard woman [DVD-Rip] [Spanish]
2019-05-11 Lizard.Woman.DVD-Rip.Xvid-Mp3.Spanish.BajandoXvid
2019-05-11 Lizard Woman [DVDRIP XViD][MP3 Spanish][btvideoclub]
2019-05-11 Lizard woman [DVD-Rip] [Spanish]
2019-05-11 Lizard Woman [Thai Movie]
