
主演:Outi Vainionkulma/Satu Silvo/Sebastian Kaatrasalo

导演:Päivi Hartzell / 



冰雪皇后主演:Outi Vainionkulma/Satu Silvo/Sebastian Kaatrasalo, 加伊(Sebastian Kaatrasalo 饰)和格尔达(Outi Vainionkulma 饰)是从小玩到大的玩伴,彼此之间感情十分要好。某日,一片带有魔力的镜子碎片掉入了加伊的眼中,它来自于魔鬼制造的魔镜,能将一切美好的事物映照得恐怖而丑陋,碎片使得加伊的性格变得冷酷无情,他残忍的羞辱了格尔达,并同她绝交,这让格尔达伤心欲绝。   一天,格尔达得知了加伊无故失踪的消息,坚信他并没有死的格尔达决心踏上寻找加伊的旅程。格尔达先后遇到了令她失忆的老巫婆、美丽善良的公主、穷凶极恶的女强盗,并最终从一只花斑鸠的口中得知加伊跟随冰雪王后去了她的宫殿。于是,格尔达开始向着宫殿进发。
In this adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's longest story, the beautiful Snow Queen has captured two children and now keeps them apart. She has inserted a sliver of her own special ice into the eye of the boy, so that his heart will turn to ice and will be a proper match for hers. The boy's sister, meanwhile, has won free and attempts to find her brother. When she does, the warmth of her love for him melts his frozen heart and defeats the Snow Queen decisively.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Lumikuningatar (The Snow Queen - 1986)
