不平凡的夏天Необыкновенное лето(1957)




上海电影译制厂1958译制   《不平凡的夏天》实际就是《初欢》的续集,影片的人物、事件都是接着《初欢》而发展的。影片表现的情节已是1919年苏维埃共和国建立起来的时候。被推翻的资产阶级和各种形形色色的反革命分子不甘心失败,还在严重地威胁苏维埃国家的生命,工人阶级在奋起保卫着革命政权。   伊兹维可夫已是市委书记了,正在安排人民的生活,拉果金也回来了,两人见面。拉果金得知:自己的妻子分娩后已死,心里十分难过。后来,在一次战斗结束后,他无意之中找到了自己不曾见过面的儿子,使拉果金悲痛的心灵得到很大的蔚籍。   安诺奇卡这时也长大成人。她在幼年时的理想---当一名演员终于实现了,她已在某戏校学习。后来,她和伊兹维可夫产生了真挚的爱情,成为一对不可分离的伴侣。
Film is based on the book "No ordinary summer" and is a sequel from "Early joys" (1956). Action is set in 1919 in the city of Tsaritsin (now Saratov) on the river Volga in Central Russia during the Russian Civil War. The main character Kirill Izvekov is now a commissar, and a rising leader in the Red Army. He shows courage aboard a battleship during the battle of Tsaritsin. He participates in the victory over the Vrangel Army, and becomes elected as the secretary of the City of Tsaritsin (Saratov). Kirill Izvekov often goes to the local Drama Theater. He is in love with the beautiful actress Annochka, and they are happy together.


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