
主演:Ryan Prescott Frank Ryan Andy Done Johnson 

导演:Paul Cockcroft / 



为了你的梦想,你愿意走到什么地步?   Mark Jenkins是个20出头的演员,但是他却一直找不到适合自己的剧本。当他在电视上看到出柜导演James Francis的新作访问时,他深深被对方的才华吸引。于是,他想尽办法闯入James的生活,拜托他替自己写剧本。从选角的装模作样,跟踪,甚至越界......Mark也渐渐成了James生活中的不速之客。最后他到底能如愿以偿说服对方为自己写作,还是带着失望离开?
How far would you go to achieve your dreams? That's the question that Mark Jenkins is constantly asking himself. A young, gay actor fresh out of LAMDA, Mark's got the looks, the ability, and the charisma to go all the way. His agent can get him the auditions, but the parts are just never quite right. That's because in Mark's mind, there's only one man who can help him: James Francis -an older established writer as well as a renowned gay icon. However, what begins as an ambitious idea soon turns into obsession, with Mark slowly gatecrashing the life of his idol.


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