沉睡者的诅咒Проклятие спящих(2017)

又名:眠者诅咒 / 夺魂摄魄 / 名画夺魂

主演:Александр Соколовский/София Каштанова/叶夫根尼·斯迪查金 Yevgeni Stychkin

导演:Илья Куликов / Никита Грамматиков / 编剧:Илья Куликов


沉睡者的诅咒主演:Александр Соколовский/София Каштанова/叶夫根尼·斯迪查金 Yevgeni Stychkin, 剧情与不寻常的艺术品有关。这些画作上都画有一位沉睡的人,而画布似乎拘役了人的灵魂。这一诅咒源自一位爱妻如痴的艺术家。当妻子垂死之时,画家用他的感情力量将妻子的灵魂囚禁在肖像中。这位传奇画家的故事启发了商人帕维尔·沃罗诺夫(Pavel Voronov),他收集了许多以沉睡的人为主人公的绘画作品。在收集过程中,他得到了摄影师Kostya和艺术评论家Agnes的协助。而艺术家阿列克谢·季霍诺夫(Alexei Tikhonov)也在寻找不寻常的画作,他梦想着继承大师的作品,并希望学会如何将灵魂禁锢在肖像画中。而一桩凶杀案的发生则让这个与画作相关的故事愈发扑朔迷离……
The plot of this thriller is based on unusual works of art. Each of the paintings depicts a sleeping person whose soul is trapped in the canvas. This curse has come to the modern world from a Master Painter who loved his wife to insanity. As she was dying, the Master seized her soul in a portrait with the power of his feelings. This legend inspired businessman Pavel Voronov to acquire a collection of canvases with sleeping people. Photographer Kostya and art critic Agnessa help him with his work. Artist Aleksey Tikhonov, who dreams to continue the work of the Master, also hunts for unusual paintings and learns to include souls in portraits. This story could well remain a legend for art students if it were not for the murder of a famous painter, another fan of "The Sleeping". The crime is handled by the Justice Major and the Investigator for "especially important cases", Irina Shchulyaeva, who makes herself a promise to get to the of the matter.


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