代号“耶里哥”主演:唐·弗兰克斯/约翰·莱顿 John Leyton/马里诺·马塞/霍斯特埃·伯斯贝格/爱德华多·钱纳里,第二次世界大战期间,由美国陆军上尉弗兰克林·谢泼德土木工程师、爆破专家,自由法国空军中尉肖恩·斯多伦·安德雷武器专家,对各种武器,不论古今,大小武器都很精通,并且能自己制造武器,英国皇家海军中尉尼古拉斯·盖奇,著名马戏和杂技演员,特别精于攀登技术,擅长于进入和逃离最危险的地方。三位身手不凡的好汉组成了盟军特别行动小组,在敌后展开特别行动,代号“耶里哥”……该剧播放至16集随即取消拍摄后续,失利的主要原因当时ABC在热播蝙蝠侠。 国内在九十年代由上海电视台译制部引进译制 The Jericho team is a trio of Allied specialists who operate as intelligence agents and saboteurs behind German lines. Franklin Sheppard of American Army Intelligence is their commanding officer and chief planner. Jean-Gaston Andre of the Free French Air Force is the team's demolitions and weapons expert. Nicholas Gage of the British Navy is a former circus performer (high-wire artist) whose specialty is getting in and out of German installations.