铁臂金刚The Steel Claw(1961)

又名:独臂勇金刚 / 大包围作战

主演:乔治·蒙哥马利 George Montgomery

导演:乔治·蒙哥马利 / 编剧:Ferde Grofé Jr./乔治 蒙哥马利 (George Montgomery (I))



铁臂金刚主演:乔治·蒙哥马利 George Montgomery, 二次世界大战期间,一名美国独臂上尉自告奋勇到日军占领下的菲律宾拯救被俘将军,在那里他带领一个小分队与日军展开作战,并机智的完成了任务,救出了被日军俘虏的将军.在他浴血奋战的同时,他与当地一位菲律宾的女子产生了一段异国恋。本片内容虽然有点单薄,但情节发展流畅,动作场面亦相当激烈火爆。另外,全片都在菲律宾实地拍摄
A Marine stationed in the Philippines loses a hand in an accident and is discharged from the Corps. When the Japanese invade the Philippines, he is called back into service to rescue a general held by Filipino guerrillas behind Japanese lines. Attaching a steel prosthetic in place of his missing hand, he and his men set out on the mission, which turns out to be not quite what he was told it was.


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