飞上枝头Pagdating sa dulo(1971)

又名:At the Top

主演:Rita Gomez/Vic Vargas/Eddie Garcia

导演:Ishmael Bernal / 编剧:Ishmael Bernal


飞上枝头主演:Rita Gomez/Vic Vargas/Eddie Garcia, 脫衣舞孃被大導發掘一舉成名,念念不忘潦倒舊情人,說服他放棄的士司機工作加入影圈。兩人終於名成利就,飛上枝頭的代價,卻是迷失與落寞。貝盧首部劇情長片技驚四座,批判影壇的歪風弊病與社會的道德敗壞一針見血。片首女主角輕解羅裳以娛恩客,與片末華衣美服步履蹣跚踏上台階討好觀眾,前後呼應成強烈對比。導演角色成為貝盧電影中最為人忽略的悲劇英雄,承載着電影人對藝術與人生的理想與失落: 不計名利只求拍好電影,到頭來失敗收場;婚姻破裂,對女主角的愛情亦成空。獲菲律賓影評人獎七十年代最佳電影殊榮。
A taxi dancer (Rita Gomez) and taxi driver (Vic Vargas) are fished out of poverty and anonymity by a commercial film director (Eddie Garcia). The obsession with success forces them to affect images as movie stars, which suppress and eventually destroy them as persons and lovers.


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