费亚巴卡谋杀案系列:观者之眼Fjällbackamorden: I betraktarens öga(2012)

又名:The Fjällbacka Murders: In the Eye of the Beholder / 費亞巴卡謀殺案系列:情人之眼

主演:Claudia Galli/Richard Ulfsäter/Ellen Stenman Göransson

导演:Jörgen Bergmark / 编剧:Michael Hjorth



费亚巴卡谋杀案系列:观者之眼主演:Claudia Galli/Richard Ulfsäter/Ellen Stenman Göransson, 電視台拍攝團隊來到田園純樸風光的費亞巴卡,拍攝在一座城堡裡進行,作家艾瑞卡和警探丈夫派翠克聯手調查在城堡裡發生的神秘事件。
Erica's sister Anna is visiting at the same time as the TV program "Antiques cubed" is in town to record at the castle in Fjällbacka. When Anna runs into the TV host for the show, Claes Wager, sparks quickly evolve into a flirt between the two of them. During preparation at the castle Anna is the one to find Linda Hamrin unconscious from an overdose of medicine. Both Erica and Patrik are dragged into the case when only a day later a man, Hasse Wennerman, is killed and the rumors of an affair that led to Linda's overdose spiral up into a big conflict. The old painting, Hasse Wennerman brought to the antique show, is also missing and when it is found among Annas belongings, Erica gets a hard time trying to prove her sisters innocence.

