弗洛斯河上的磨房The Mill on the Floss(1997)


主演:Emily Watson/Ifan Meredith/James Frain/Bernard Hill/Lucy Whybrow

导演:Graham Theakston / 编剧:乔治·艾略特 George Eliot



弗洛斯河上的磨房主演:Emily Watson/Ifan Meredith/James Frain/Bernard Hill/Lucy Whybrow, 玛姬(艾米丽·沃森 Emily Watson 饰)和汤姆(伊弗兰·梅勒蒂斯 Ifan Meredith 饰)是一对感情十分要好的兄妹。父亲爱德华(伯纳德·希尔 Bernard Hill 饰)破产后,汤姆被迫放弃了优渥的留学机会,靠着自己的双手努力支撑起整个家庭的负担,妹妹玛姬亦从一个衣食无忧的天真女孩成长为了勤劳贤惠的女人,最终,汤姆终于攒够了钱赎回了磨坊。   玛姬和律师的儿子菲利普(詹姆斯·弗莱恩 James Frain 饰)相互抱有好感,但汤姆却认为律师正是造成他们家破人亡的罪魁祸首,因而极力反对妹妹同其交往。之后,不幸的玛姬又爱上了表妹的未婚夫,暴怒的汤姆将她逐出门外。一场暴雨引发了洪水泛滥,汤姆被困在磨坊之中,玛姬心急如焚。
Lawyer Wakem takes away the mill on the river Floss from Edward Tulliver, whose ancestors owned it for 300 years, and becomes the worst enemy of Tulliver's family. When Edward's daughter, Maggie, grows up, she falls in love with Wakem's son Philip, but her brother Tom, true to the memory of their father, forbids her to meet him again. When she visits her cousin, Lucy Deane, Lucy's fiance Stephen Guest falls in love with Maggie at first sight, further complicating matters.


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