
主演:Pinto Colvig

导演:Jack Kinney / 编剧:Brice Mack/Dick Kinney



父亲的休假日主演:Pinto Colvig, 阳光明媚,风和日丽的星期六早晨,车技极其糟糕高菲夫人驱车外出,留下高菲先生(品托·考维格 Pinto Colvig 配音)和儿子朱尼尔在家。高菲承诺要照顾好孩子,还要完成无休无止的家务。不过,我们的高菲有十足的信心,他为儿子准备好了早餐,清洗了前一晚积压的碟子碗筷,擦干净桌子上的灰尘,期间还要接待各色暧昧怪怪的送货人员(当然他将其里结成友好的一种)。   随着时间的流逝,高菲的工作渐渐陷入困境。他本身手忙脚乱出错,朱尼尔不时在旁边捣乱,小狗也经常不合时宜地出现在各个角落。紧张忙乱的早晨,就在各种喧嚣之中悄然过去了……
Mrs. Goofy leaves for the day leaving the house in the hands of her husband, Goofy. Goofy is confident that he can handle the day's household chores but he keeps making typical goof-ups while attempting them. His first mistake is sending Junior to school on a Saturday. At first, he just makes small blunders but, of course, they keep escalating to the point where his house is flooded, scribbled on, set on fire, invaded by firemen and policemen alike, and, basically, an utter disaster area when the wife returns.


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