富有的玫瑰Roses Are for the Rich(1987)

主演:Lisa Hartman

导演:Michael Miller / 编剧:Jonell Lawson



富有的玫瑰主演:Lisa Hartman, 在一个布鲁克赛小镇,爱参与工会工作的奥特姆的丈夫在煤矿爆炸中身亡。奥特姆一直怀疑矿主道格拉斯·奥斯本是幕后主使。她发誓一定要为丈夫报仇。在此后的多年间她一直调查爆炸事故,并实施了一系列的复仇计划均告失败。迫于无奈,她接近奥斯本,并怀了他的孩子,操纵奥斯本和她结婚。奥斯本后突然死亡,在警方的调查中发现奥斯本死于中毒,奥特姆因谋杀嫌疑被铺和审判,她能洗脱嫌疑吗……
In a small town in Appalachia, Autumn's young husband is killed in a suspicious mine explosion. She vows vengeance on mine owner Douglas Osborne and dedicates her life to destroying him, even at the cost of her own happiness. When her attempts at financial ruin fail, she manipulates Osborne into marriage by claiming she is carrying his child. After Osborne dies from cyanide poisoning, Autumn is arrested for his murder, but she professes her innocence.


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