

导演:米切尔·加格尼 / 



1995年,爵士乐音乐家Barry Guy(钢琴)和Paul Plimley(贝司)在加拿大的Vancouver录制了一张有趣的专辑,专辑名为《感觉学(Sensology)》。灵动的音符,跳跃的节奏,以及意外之处的起承转合,让人不由得为止拍案叫绝。闭上眼睛,仿佛能看到旋律具化成鲜活的生命,摆动出充满活力的线条与身姿。而动画人Michel Gagné则将想象付诸实践,让《感觉学》真正有了可视化的模样。   这是一部充满意识流的实验动画,值得欣赏。
A short animated film that visualizes in abstract form, an improvised musical session by two leaders of the avant-guarde jazz movement, Paul Plimley (piano) and Barry Guy (bass).The music was recorded on November 9th, 1995, at the Western Front in Vancouver, Canada The film was started in August 2006 and completed in July 2010. Sensology was handdrawn (painted) with a Wacon tablet at first, and later, a Cintiq, using Adobe Photoshop. The drawings and frames were then composited and manipulated in a 2D software called Animo. There is no vector animation at any point in the film. The animation was done stream of consciousness, one frame at a time at a rate of 30 frames per second.


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