

主演:Asta Nielsen/Fritz Achterberg/Mathilde Brandt/Paul Conradi

导演:Sven Gade / Heinz Schall / 编剧:Erwin Gepard/E. Vining



哈姆雷特主演:Asta Nielsen/Fritz Achterberg/Mathilde Brandt/Paul Conradi, 收到了父亲的死讯后,丹麦王子哈姆雷特(阿丝塔·妮尔森 Asta Nielsen 饰)匆匆赶回了自己的国家,回国后,哈姆雷特才发现,周遭的一切都发生了剧变,叔叔克劳狄斯(爱德华·冯·温特施泰因 Eduard von Winterstein 饰)继位,母亲格特鲁德(Mathilde Brandt 饰)则成为了克劳狄斯的王后。   父亲鬼魂(Paul Conradi 饰)的出现让哈姆雷特愈加相信,这一切,包括父亲的死,都是克劳狄斯蓄意所为,为了复仇,哈姆雷特不惜装疯卖傻,以此逃脱克劳狄斯的迫害。一次意外中,哈姆雷特误杀了恋人奥菲利亚(Lilly Jacobson 饰)的父亲波洛涅斯(Hans Junkermann 饰),奥菲利亚精神错乱坠河溺亡,之后,格特鲁德也死于非命。最终,悲愤交加的哈姆雷特将利刃指向了克劳狄斯。
Danish silent movie-star Asta Nielsen formed her own production company to make this film, in which new elements are combined with features (and a few lines) familiar from Shakespeare's version of the legend. The most important of these changes sees Hamlet made into a female character - a princess forced to masquerade as a man by her scheming mother; from this follows Hamlet's secret passion for Horatio and rivalry with Ophelia for his love. Queen Gertrude is here presented as conspiring in her first husband's murder, and the old king's ghost does not appear - young Hamlet merely hears a voice from the tomb and (apparently) dreams of him. In addition, Hamlet now kills Claudius (in a fire) immediately upon returning from Norway with an army led by old school- friend Fortinbras, and it falls to Gertrude to engineer Hamlet's death in the fencing match as well as kill herself by accidentally drinking the poisoned wine.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Hamlet (1921) Asta Nielsen
