卡西尼号的壮丽终章Cassini's Grand Finale(2017)

主演:Athena Coustenis/Michele Dougherty/Joshua Méndez Harper/Luciano Iess/Earl Maize/George McDonald/Carl Murray/David O'Brien/Carolyn Porco/Jani Radebaugh

导演:NASA JPL / 



卡西尼号的壮丽终章主演:Athena Coustenis/Michele Dougherty/Joshua Méndez Harper/Luciano Iess/Earl Maize/George McDonald/Carl Murray/David O'Brien/Carolyn Porco/Jani Radebaugh, NASA JPL为纪念卡西尼号探测器最后阶段的任务所制作的短片Cassini's Grand Finale(《卡西尼号的壮丽终章》),于2017年4月发布于Youtube。这个短片获得了本届艾美奖的优秀原创互动节目(Outstanding Original Interactive Program)奖。
Go inside the final moments of NASA's Cassini mission, a 20-year project to explore Saturn and its moons. Cassini revealed the secrets of strange new worlds that could harbor alien life, changing everything we know about our Solar System.


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