
又名:Fairy in a Cage


导演:小原宏裕 / 编剧:団鬼六(原作)/松岡清治



牢笼中的妖精主演:谷ナオミ/佐竹一男/大河内稔, 一个变态利用自己和宪兵的关系将一个举止优雅的珠宝商人的夫人变成了犯人,以审问的名义进行SM玩弄。最后由于局势改变,在他们要杀人灭口时,其中的一个协助SM的士兵反骨杀死了长官,携夫人逃走。   逃走的过程中,此士兵经按捺不住对夫人的向往,对夫人进行了性侵。完事后,被追来的士兵发现,双双被枪杀。本片结束!
During World War II, the tyrannical Judge Murayama uses his military power to imprison and torture innocent people. Suspected of helping an anti-government movement, the lovely Namiji Kikushima is captured, along with a local kabuki actor. Helpless and unable to escape, the two are subjected to a grueling series of tortures including rope bondage and physical assault. As the Judge and his evil assistant Kayo revel in their perverse fetishes, a new military recruit they have hired named Taoka may be the key to the prisoners' freedom. He loves Namiji and will do whatever he can to help her, even if it means betrayal to organize an escape.

