
主演:吴念真 Nien-Jen Wu/李敏勇/林强 Giong Lim

导演:梁皆得 / 

上映日期:2015-11-20(中国台湾) / 2014-04-25(國立臺灣師範大學首映)


老鹰想飞主演:吴念真 Nien-Jen Wu/李敏勇/林强 Giong Lim, 台灣猛禽研究會繼「九九蜂鷹」、「山林魅影-林鵰」後,再完成一部猛禽生態紀錄片「老鷹想飛」。片中描述俗稱老鷹的黑鳶,在農藥、滅鼠藥的危害及棲地滅失等夾縫中掙扎求生的故事,同時也完整記錄「老鷹守護者」沈振中老師為了保育黑鳶放棄教職,孤軍追逐黑鳶的甘苦心酸與對黑鳶生存困境的不捨。
The black kite, generally referred to as 'the eagle' in Taiwan. However, it has now become so rare that very few people ever get to see it. Shen Zhen-Zhong, better known as 'Mr. Kite', vowed to safeguard this endangered bird and spent the best 20 years of his life traveling throughout Taiwan to find out why the black kite is disappearing. From 1992 to 2015 film documentary maker Liang Chieh-Te followed Mr. Kite's journey. Through his camera lenses, he has recorded the story of how, because of love, one person can cross the species barrier and totally devote himself to a cause with no regrets.

