
主演:梁天 Tian Liang/蔡明 Ming Cai/沈畅 Chang Shen/王奎荣 Kuirong Wang/方子春 Zichun Fang/牛晓燕 Xiaoyan Niu

导演:梁左 / 编剧:梁左 Zuo Liang


临时家庭主演:梁天 Tian Liang/蔡明 Ming Cai/沈畅 Chang Shen/王奎荣 Kuirong Wang/方子春 Zichun Fang/牛晓燕 Xiaoyan Niu, 在弥漫着现代化时尚气息的老北京城某个单元房,是热衷倒卖古董文物的董寿康(王奎荣 饰)躲清净的逍遥所在,谁知媳妇(方子春 饰)却背着他要登广告把房子租出去。妻管严的董寿康和胆小的女儿董云云(牛晓燕 饰)拗不过强势的女主人,在见过三三两两极不靠谱的租客后,总算迎来了几名长期租客:某广播电台主持人周欣欣(蔡明 饰)、因老婆有外遇一气之下搬出来住的商人刘功达(梁天 饰)以及被公司开除的美容师柳红(沈畅 饰)。   性格和身份全然不同的两女一男,突然住在一个屋檐下自然矛盾、误会不断,再加上隔三差五出现的怪人,更让这个临时家庭充满了数不尽的乐趣……
Young French officer Augustin Robert escorts artist Jean-Michel Venture de Paradis to Egypt during Napoleon's Egyptian campaign. Napoleon sent de Paradis to record Egypt's great monuments and temples that are destroyed by French soldiers in acts of barbarism. During combat, Augustin and Jean-Michel are separated from their regiment, and they start wandering through the desert fighting for their life. In one of the canyons Augustin meets a leopard he names Simoom and a strange bond between them appears.


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