
主演:Danny Dyer/Gillian Kearney/Vinnie Jones

导演:Marlowe Fawcett / Richard Nockles / 



另一半主演:Danny Dyer/Gillian Kearney/Vinnie Jones, 當英國人馬克給他的美國新娘荷立一個驚喜,滿足她夢寐以求前往葡萄牙度蜜月的夢想時,馬克費盡心思安排一切。到達葡萄牙,他們發現這個國家正在舉辦一場大型的國際足球聯賽,英國國家隊正在比賽!不僅如此,英國隊和他們喧鬧的球迷,好像到處跟著他們。喜愛足球的馬克宣稱自己無辜——純粹巧合——到底,哪種男人僅僅為了觀看英國隊聯賽,欺騙他的新婚妻子?漸漸地,荷立被迫認為,她丈夫可能就是這樣的一個人。馬克古怪的行為,他們旋風般的愛情和她父親的錢財(支付旅行的費用)全部開始為一個可怕的結局添油加醋。比賽越發激烈,藉口越發強烈,裂縫越發加深。馬克否認一切,但是他做的?他怎樣能證明他真的愛她?
When English Mark surprises his American bride Holly with her dream honeymoon to Portugal she cant believe her luck. Mark goes to great trouble to organise everything for her. They arrive in Portugal to discover that the country is hosting a major international soccer tournament and that the English national team is playing! Whats more, the England team, and their raucous fans, seem to follow them everywhere. Soccer-loving Mark claims innocence - a complete coincidence - after all, what kind of man would lie to his new wife just to watch England play in a tournament? Gradually, Holly is forced to consider that perhaps her husband could be just such a man. Marks odd behaviour, their whirlwind romance and her fathers money (that paid for the trip) all begin to add to a terrible conclusion. The games intensify, the subterfuge deepens and cracks develop. Mark denies everything, but what has he done? How can he prove that he really loves her? The film captures the passion, drama and romance of an explosive match between the hilarious newlyweds playing the game of their lives. An international soccer cup competition, churches, beaches, castles, mountains and the winding streets of Lisbon, all play stadium to this whirlwind ride through beautiful Portugal


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