猫谜National Geographic 100 Years #49 Cats - Caressing The Tiger(1991)


导演:National Geographic / 编剧:Barbara Jampel



探究猫与人之间复杂的亲密关系   晚上它们是无情的猎人,凭着敏锐的视觉和嗅觉,悄悄接近猎物,而白天则成为无数人锺爱的伴侣。今天猫已取代狗,成为美国人最喜爱的宠物。   在古埃及时代受人膜拜,中古世纪却遭受迫害的家猫,几世纪以来让人又怕又爱。猫是贴心的伴侣,可为老人和自闭症患者提供治疗,然而即使被人驯养,它的野性仍然未脱。如果你对猫为何总是四只脚着地,高兴时为什么会呜呜叫而感到奇怪,绝对不能错过国家地理的《猫谜》。
By night, they're ruthless hunters who stalk their prey with a keen sense of sight and smell. By day, they're playful, loving companions for millions. Today, cats outnumber dogs as America's favorite pet. Worshiped in ancient Egypt and persecuted during medieval times, domestic cats over the centuries have been feared and adored. As comforting companions, cats provide therapy for the elderly and autistic. But as dramatic sequences show, the behavior of cats is never far removed from that of their cousins in the wild. If you've ever wondered why cats always land on all four feet or what makes them purr, watch this movie.

