蜜糖丰收人Honey Harvester(1949)

主演:克拉伦斯·纳什 Clarence Nash

导演:杰克·汉纳 / 编剧:Nick George/比尔·伯格 Bill Berg



蜜糖丰收人主演:克拉伦斯·纳什 Clarence Nash, 在远离城市的郊外,有一间玻璃做的漂亮花房,花房里盛开着各色各样的美丽花朵。辛勤的小蜜蜂哼唱着快乐轻松的曲调,小心仔细地将花蜜放入小铁桶中,再飞回蜂巢,将辛辛苦苦得到的蜂蜜小心储存起来。他一遍又一边忙碌,挥汗如雨,从不停歇。就在此时,花房的主人唐老鸭前来给花儿浇水,他看到小蜜蜂,顺手牵羊尝了尝对方的花蜜。突然一个点子冒了出来,如果能偷到小蜜蜂采的花蜜不就可以吃好吃的点心了?于是乎唐老鸭想方设法要弄清蜂巢的所在地,而小蜜蜂绝不会让他贪婪的计划得逞……
Donald is working in his greenhouse when he notices a bee harvesting nectar (well, actually, it appears to already be honey). Donald tries various approaches to find the hive, which despite the bee's best efforts to throw him off, he eventually discovers in the radiator of an old car. He drains the honey and starts to leave when the bee spots him and mounts an attack. The bee adds a cactus needle to extend his stinger. Donald relents and returns the honey all but one jar, until the bee spots him.


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