
又名:Evil Fade

主演:黄秋生 Anthony Wong Chau-Sang/陈展鹏 Ruco Chan/文颂娴 Annie Man/韩马利 Mary Hon Ma-Li/雷宇扬 Simon Lui/陳蕙明/翟佩云 Pui-Wan Chak

导演:郑伟文 / 编剧:余德伟 Tak-wai Yu



魔鬼教师主演:黄秋生 Anthony Wong Chau-Sang/陈展鹏 Ruco Chan/文颂娴 Annie Man/韩马利 Mary Hon Ma-Li/雷宇扬 Simon Lui/陳蕙明/翟佩云 Pui-Wan Chak, 补习老师张乐明相貌堂堂,学生JOYE终日沉迷玩碟仙,乐明与女友吵架,借故亲近JOYE,邀请JOYE及其友到他家作客玩碟仙,碟仙令乐明兽性尽露,更指引两女向乐明投怀送抱,后又指示乐明将两人杀死。探员马侦察此案,并对案件极表关心,更劝妹芳芳小心外出,芳刚巧到乐明所在的补习社任助教,乐明对她产生爱意,碟仙又命令他奸杀芳芳,马发现此事,随即展开一场人魔大战……
Cheung Lok-ming, voted the Most Handsome King of Tutors, has many admirers among his female high school students while his wife waits patiently for a marriage proposal. Two of his students invoke the Saucer Spirit to predict the questions in their Chinese History exam. After being two-timed by her boyfriend Ted, Joyce tricks Mr Cheung back to her apartment where Saucer Spirit bewitches him into killing her and her friend mid-seduction. After dumping the bodies into the sea, he finds himself being investigated by failed cop and toilet connoisseur Ma Tung who can't even keep track of his own police badge. But Cheung has other secrets buried 20 years in his past.

