女作家与谋杀案:要你狗命Murder, She Wrote: It's a Dog's Life(1984)

主演:安吉拉·兰斯伯瑞 Angela Lansbury/迪恩·琼斯 Dean Jones

导演:西摩尔·罗比 / 编剧:Mark Giles/Linda Shank



女作家与谋杀案:要你狗命主演:安吉拉·兰斯伯瑞 Angela Lansbury/迪恩·琼斯 Dean Jones, 马匹离奇失控,作为骑师的富翁因此惨死,豪宅遍布嫌疑人,到底是谁动的手脚?遗产丰厚,却全部留给宠物狗,儿女手段百出,谁才是真正的赢家呢?
While Jessica attends a hunting party, someone tampers in the stables with the normally quiet horse of the rich host, Denton Langley, which suddenly goes wild and causes him to have a fatal fall, yet the drug test Jessica suggests is negative. The will on videotape gives his shocked relatives and estate staff peanuts, $15,000,000 goes to Denton's pet hound Teddy, who is shortly after found drugged after biting old local Isaiah Potts. Family lawyer Marcus Boswell, who is constantly called by his broker, is challenged by the human heirs' lawyer on account of the dog's mental competence. Then Trish Langley is found killed by the security gate, the button which operates it from security guard Barnes's closed room has Teddy's paw print on it, he must have been trained to do do. Jessica works out precisely what ties in, how, and what doesn't..


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