泡沫之恋The Thrill of It All(1963)


主演:Doris Day/James Garner/Arlene Francis

导演:诺曼·杰威森 / 编剧:Carl Reiner



泡沫之恋主演:Doris Day/James Garner/Arlene Francis, 妇科医生博伊尔(詹姆斯·加纳 James Garner 饰)带着妻子贝弗利(桃丽丝·戴 Doris Day 饰)前往弗朗利家做客,让两人没有想到的是,弗朗利竟然就是著名品牌快乐香皂的广告代理人。在阴差阳错下,弗朗利邀请贝弗利出演快乐香皂的广告,就这样,贝弗利,一个普普通通的家庭主妇,成为了快乐香皂这个家喻户晓的品牌的形象代言人。   贝弗利和蔼可亲的形象一经播出很快就受到了观众们的喜爱,于是贝弗利开始了她四处奔波工作的生活。博伊尔原本和贝弗利朝夕相处,这突如其来的变故让他感到非常的没有安全感,于是他设置了一连串的计谋,想要将妻子从大众手中夺回来。
The Happy Soap Company is owned and managed by the Fraleigh family. Although he is more of a company figurehead than an active participant in the company's day-to-day business, anything that family patriarch Tom Fraleigh wants for the company he usually gets. What he wants is Beverly Boyer - the wife of his daughter-in-law's obstetrician, Dr. Gerald Boyer - to appear as the company spokesperson when Beverly, who he meets at a small dinner party, mentions a personal and true story about how Happy Soap saved her life. She is to appear in a live commercial spot during a Happy Soap sponsored television show telling her story just as she told Tom. Despite Beverly's performance going poorly in her own mind, Tom loved it and how refreshing and honest Beverly came across to the viewer. So Tom signs her to a one year, $80,000 contract to continue doing the same. This move is questioned by Happy Soap's own managers and its advertising company. But it is questioned even more by Gerald, who ...

