流浪的故事還沒開頭,離奇的插曲率先登場:陳慧萍遭泰國海關強制遣返,只因她和另一人太過相似,名字只差一個字,還同年同月同日生,那個人卻是泰國通緝的政治犯。想證明是誰,卻先將時間倒轉到故事之前——她跟著柯雅回柬埔寨娘家,圍聚話家常,又隨著莎麗在廚房做菜,回到記憶裡的家鄉泰國。旅途滿滿都是漂流的痕跡,回家是她們共同的話題,導演以鏡頭的移動搭建關於人的圖像。 Kollyan's hometown is in Cambodia. Every time she misses her mother, she has to leave her family in Taiwan, in order to reunite with her parents. Sally's parents are no longer around, but whenever she follows her mother's steps based on her memory, she feels as though she has returned to her mother's side.As for me, who has never experienced the pain of migration, an encounter of an identity mix-up at a foreign country's immigration checkpoint causing me to be identified as someone else, made me constantly wonder \"Who am I?\" ever since.