
又名:Heartbreak Island / qunian dongtian


导演:徐小明 / 编剧:江瑞宗/郭筝/侯孝贤



去年冬天主演:魏筱惠/喜翔, 这是一部带有政治色彩的爱情片。琳琅是个激进分子,十年前因投掷炸弹被关进监狱。在狱中,她靠燃烧的政治激情和对前男友王戎的爱支撑着,但王戎却已结婚并成功地经营着一个咖啡馆。   起初王戎也是个台湾民权运动中的激进学生,1979年于高雄在与政府的流血冲突中被捕,并将可能被判死刑。当时琳琅对他甚是迷恋,为替他报仇而投掷了炸弹。被释后琳琅去找王戎,但王戎却并不因见到她而开心,而且表现得既不热衷政治也没兴趣修复他们之间的关系。琳琅继续寻朋访友尝试着回到当初的时光,可看到是原先的激进分子们个个沉溺于舒适的中产阶级生活。最后,迷乱的琳琅只好将王戎的孩子劫持,以引起他的注意。
In Taiwan, a young woman, Lin-Lang, is released from prison after serving ten years for terrorist activity. She had turned to bomb making in grief after her mentor and lover, An Rong, who was also her university professor, was arrested for political activity and, she presumed, executed. In prison, she learns Rong is alive, and she maintains her spirits and sanity for the years in her cell by holding imaginary conversations with him. When she is released, she discovers he is married, has a child, and lives conventionally. She finds him; he's not happy to see her. How she reacts to losing the center of her life becomes the subject of the film.


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