

主演:拉斐尔·弗洛里 Rafael Florea/希尔达·彼得 Hilda Péter/索林·莱奥韦努 Sorin Leoveanu

导演:弗洛林·谢尔班 / 编剧:弗洛林·谢尔班 Florin Serban

上映日期:2015-09(多伦多电影节) / 2016-04(北京电影节)片长:93M


拳击主演:拉斐尔·弗洛里 Rafael Florea/希尔达·彼得 Hilda Péter/索林·莱奥韦努 Sorin Leoveanu, 拉斐尔和克里斯蒂娜,两个看似从不会遇见对方的人。   19岁的吉普赛青年拉斐尔和祖父住在一起,在洗车店工作的他,渴望成为一名拳击手。克里斯蒂娜来自匈牙利,是一位34岁的剧场演员,已婚的她正经历着职业和个人的危机。她的丈夫是剧院的明星,而她似乎一直活在他的阴影中。在这座小城中   ,沿着鹅卵石小路,拉斐尔每天偷偷跟踪着素不相识的克里斯蒂娜。她的心里明白,同时也享受这种被关注的感觉。终于一次,她转过身,两个人面对面。他看着她的眼睛问道:“如果你没有结婚,你愿意嫁给我吗?”从那一刻起,两人的关系一发不可收拾。   两种命运,两个世界,不同的困境。无论年龄,拉斐尔和克里斯蒂娜都需要证明自己。伴随着血与泪、幽深的沉寂与审慎的笑容,他们各自都将学会成长和妥协。
Rafael and Cristina are two people that were never supposed to meet. He is 19, gypsy, works in a car-wash and wants to make it big as a boxer; he lives with his grandfather and is about to have a breakthrough as an athlete. She is 34, Hungarian, actress in the local theatre, married, and goes through a professional and personal crisis; her husband is the star of the theatre ensemble and it seems that she has been living in his shadow for a while. Without knowing each other, Rafael follows Cristina everyday on the cobblestone streets of an old provincial town. She knows it and enjoys the attention. One time, she turns back and they face each other. The following day he looks her in the eyes and asks: "If you hadn't been married, would you have married me?". From that moment on there is no way back for neither of them. Two different destinies, two different worlds facing different dilemmas. Despite their ages, Rafael and Cristina share the same need to prove themselves. In their own way...


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