
又名:The Dog Days(英)


导演:谢金成 / 编剧:谢金成



三伏天主演:王友谊/易菲/欧剑宇, 三伏天,为了给因中风而紧急住进县医院的老母亲筹足医药费,老七焦头烂额四处求人。虽然老七非常努力地筹款,但借到的钱仍远远不够给母亲治病。这时平常做人口买卖的侄子杨康全找到老七,给他介绍的一个活,送一个男孩去六百公里外的一个砖窑,只要安全送到便会有丰厚的酬金。为了尽快为母亲攒齐医药费,老七一狠心,答应了。取人当晚,在杨康全屋中,老七第一次见到了哑巴......
In the dog days, in order to raise enough medical expenses for the old mother who was admitted to the county hospital in case of a stroke, Lao Qi begged for help. Although he worked hard to raise money, the money he borrowed was still far from enough to cure his mother. At this time, Yang Kangquan, a nephew who usually deals in population business, found Lao Qi and introduced him to a job of sending a boy to a brick kiln 600 kilometers away. As long as it was delivered safely, there would be a huge reward. In order to save all the medical expenses for his mother as soon as possible, Lao Qi agreed. That night, in Yang Kangquan's room, Lao Qi saw the mute for the first time.


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