摄影协会成员到达Neuville-sur-Saône: Débarquement du congrès des photographes à Lyon(1895)

又名:代表们登陆 / Sedgewicks' Bioscope Show Front / The Photographical Congress Arrives in Lyon

主演:P.J.C. Janssen

导演:路易斯·卢米埃尔 / 



摄影协会成员到达主演:P.J.C. Janssen, 摄于1895年6月,卢米埃尔把其参加的照相会议记录了下来,当放映时,卢米埃尔让参与讨论的人到银幕后面去把发言重复了一遍,增加了影片真实感。这可以说是史上第一部新闻纪录片,也是对有声电影的一次有趣尝试。
Members of the French Photographic Society arrive from a riverboat to their congress venue in Neuville-sur-Saône on a summer day. They go ashore across a wooden landing stage. Among the many men in straw hats are also a few women in long skirts. Some of the men lift their hats toward the photographer when passing. Many of them are carrying their own cameras.


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