圣诞来临时Christmas Around the Corner(2018)

主演:亚利桑德拉·布莱肯瑞吉 Alexandra Breckenridge/杰米斯皮尔切克 Jamie Spilchuk/简·亚历山大 Jane Alexander/Maya Harris-Harb/Donald Scott/Martin Brennan

导演:Megan Follows / 编剧:Michael J. Murray



圣诞来临时主演:亚利桑德拉·布莱肯瑞吉 Alexandra Breckenridge/杰米斯皮尔切克 Jamie Spilchuk/简·亚历山大 Jane Alexander/Maya Harris-Harb/Donald Scott/Martin Brennan, 克莱尔是一个精明的风险投资家,从纽约市逃到佛蒙特州的一个古色古香的小镇度假,成为福滕伯里书店的客人。到达后,克莱尔发现在洪水过后,镇上取消了圣诞节庆祝活动,书店也处于严重的失修状态。她立即接受了振兴商店的挑战,但与店主安德鲁(杰米·斯皮尔丘克饰)发生了冲突,后者最初拒绝了她提出的所有改进方案。最终,当两人开始一段初露端倪的恋情时,火花四射,克莱尔富有感染力的乐观精神激励安德鲁和她一起重振圣诞精神。但当克莱尔发现安德鲁打算在新的一年里卖掉这家书店时,一切都戛然而止。圣诞节的精神是否足以改变安德鲁的想法,鼓励他追随自己的心?http://www.renrendianyingwang.cn/
Claire, a savvy venture capitalist from New York City, escapes to a quaint town in Vermont for the holidays and becomes a guest of the Fortenbury Bookstore. Upon arrival, Claire finds Christmas celebrations have been canceled by the town after a flood and the bookstore is in a dire state of disrepair. She immediately takes on the challenge to revitalize the store, but clashes with the owner, Andrew (Jamie Spilchuk), who initially rejects all her proposed improvements. Eventually, sparks fly as the two begin a budding romance, and Claire's infectious optimism inspires Andrew to join her in reviving the yuletide spirit. But everything comes to a screeching halt when Claire discovers that Andrew is planning to sell the bookstore in the New Year. Will the spirit of Christmas be enough to change Andrew's mind and encourage him to follow his heart?

