圣诞老人征服火星人Santa Claus Conquers the Martians(1964)

主演:John Call/Leonard Hicks/Vincent Beck/Bill McCutcheon/Victor Stiles/Donna Conforti)

导演:Nicholas Webster / 



圣诞老人征服火星人主演:John Call/Leonard Hicks/Vincent Beck/Bill McCutcheon/Victor Stiles/Donna Conforti), 火星人,他们的孩子沉迷于电视节目从地球赞美圣诞克劳斯的美德不安,开始远征地球绑架唯一的圣诞老人。而在地球上,他们绑架了两个活泼的孩子,导致火星人组到北极和圣诞老人。他们把圣诞老人和两个孩子回火星人。voldar,特别暴躁的火星,试图把孩子和圣诞老人在他们到达火星,但他们的头头Lomas制止他。当他们到达火星,圣诞老人,与两个地球的孩子,而头脑简单的火星人的仆人的帮助下,克服了火星人带来了乐趣,快乐和圣诞快乐到火星的孩子
Martians, upset that their children have become obsessed with TV shows from Earth which extol the virtues of Santa Claus, start an expedition to Earth to kidnap the one and only Santa. While on Earth, they kidnap two lively children that lead the group of Martians to the North Pole and Santa. The Martians then take Santa and the two children back to Mars with them. Voldar, a particularly grumpy Martian, attempts to do away with the children and Santa before they get to Mars, but their leader Lomas stops him. When they arrive on Mars, Santa, with the help of the two Earth children and a rather simple-minded Martian lackey, overcomes the Martians by bringing fun, happiness and Christmas cheer to the children of Mars.

