世纪大战:二战欧洲东线纪实War of the Century(1999)

又名:世纪大战:二战欧洲东线纪实 / 当希特勒遇上斯大林 / 世纪大战


导演:未知编剧:Laurence Rees


利用珍貴彩色畫面及最新機密檔案重現第二次世界大戰慘烈的東線戰事   「我們永遠把最後一顆子彈留給自己……」第十一裝甲部隊華特沙弗肯諾   希特勒時期的德國與蘇聯展開史無前例的大規模戰役,估計傷亡人數超過三千萬人,蘇聯士兵在史達林格勒的壽命只有一天。老百姓的傷亡程度令人無法想像。蘇聯平民的死亡人數超過一千三百萬人,政府對他們的苦難視若無睹,只顧追求自己的種族尊嚴。東線戰事的情景恐怖至極,本節目將透過個人現身說法,包括士兵、老百姓、共產黨員、高階軍官與官員等,憶訴慘痛經歷。其中將還包含戰爭實況的珍貴彩色畫面做為說明,及收錄蘇聯檔案室的最新機密檔案文件。
In 1941, Nazi Germany, seemingly near invincible in its military might despite its failure to break the UK in the Battle of Britain, makes one of its most disastrous military moves. Despite the danger of a two front war and the existence of a non-aggression pact, Hitler orders the full scale invasion of the Soviet Union. This series explores the reasons for this undertaking, its vicious nature on both sides and the general series of events of the bloodiest theater of the war that would ultimately turn the tide in the fight against the Third Reich.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 War_of_the_century_(BBC).DVDRip
2019-05-10 War Of The Century - When Hitler Fought Stalin (BBC 199
