熟女镇 第五季主演:柯特妮·考克斯/克瑞丝塔·米勒 Christa Miller/丹·伯德 Dan Byrd/布莱恩·范·霍尔特 Brian Van Holt/贝茜·菲利普斯 Busy Philipps/乔什·霍普金斯 Josh Hopkins/鲍勃·克莱德宁 Bob Clendenin,Grayson和Jules正处在婚后的蜜月期。Grayson根本搞不清Jules生活中竟然有那么多规矩,遭到Jules的奚落和指责。看来Grayson还有许多功课要恶补啊。Travis过完21岁生日,Bobby决定教授他男人之道,借机弥补失落的父子时光。Jules梦见G rayson有不轨行为,但Grayson拒绝为子虚乌有的罪名道歉。Jules十分伤心,Ellie和Laurie只能在一旁好言安慰道歉。Jules十分伤心,Ellie和Laurie只能在一旁好言安慰 Penny Can becomes a global sensation, prompting Grayson to ask Bobby to pay up his bar tab. Andy must deal with Stan not sleeping after watching a horror flick, and the gang is still not used to Laurie and Travis being together.