Southern Fried Rabbit(1953)

主演:Mel Blanc

导演:Friz Freleng / 


Southern Fried Rabbit主演:Mel Blanc, 这真是最糟糕的日子,前所未有的大干旱袭来,放眼望去,所及之处一片荒芜,田里颗粒无收,树木干枯无叶,了无生机。疲惫的兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)在田里翻了半天,可是所有的胡萝卜都干瘪无肉,他都快饿死了。就在此时,兔八哥看到报纸上阿拉巴马胡萝卜大丰收的消息,他大喜过望,决定去南方碰碰运气。历经千辛万苦,他总算来到了富饶的南方,谁知顽固的红胡子(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)还活在南北战争时期,他严禁兔八哥踏上南方的土地,坚决要将其赶回老家去。   为了好吃的胡萝卜,兔八哥只得想出各种诡计和这个脑袋像木头一样傻瓜作斗争……
This cartoon has not appeared unedited on American television for decades. The edited sequence shows Bugs Bunny trying to cross the Mason-Dixon line in black-face (brownface?). He sings two songs (the second of which, "Yankee Doodle", enrages Confederate Sam) then, placing a whip in the bewildered Sam's hand, Bugs acts as if Sam is going to beat him. Bugs then exits and re-enters as an indignant Abe Lincoln.

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