
又名:My City


导演:陈果 / 编剧:陈果 Fruit Chan

上映日期:2015-03-31(中国香港) / 2015-12-18(中国台湾)片长:117M


他们在岛屿写作:我城主演:西西, 西西 / 我城   「在這個小小的城市裡,其實有許多地方可以去走走……而我們,終日行走在幾條忙碌的大街上,擠在行色匆匆的人群中,只見許多蒼白的臉。」      西西從50年代開始寫作,涵蓋詩、影評、劇本、小說、散文、百科全書式的圖文創新書寫,創作不輟,駕馭自如,始終保持自在的天真與洞見。   導演陳果隨著西西作品裏的視野,記錄作家的寫作生活:土瓜灣的家,散步的社區、童年的花墟、馬頭角碼頭、美麗大廈、天台上的曬衣架與天線、即將消失的照相館與冰室……,西西多樣的文體結構及敏銳的城市洞察,隨著鏡頭推拉、搖攀、碎剪及拼貼,一一在影像敘事中或隱或顯、眷戀且多義地表現出來。   當片中奇特的人型布偶:長頸女子、熊男子意味深長地相會與凝視,隱喻作家筆下人物永恆存在於香港街巷,當城裏的老店一家家消失,文學裏的情感與探觸,仍將不斷映照現實。
Poet and author Xi Xi is one of Hong Kong's most treasured writers. Though also acclaimed in Taiwan and China for seminal works like the essay Shops, her writings are firmly rooted in the spirit of Hong Kong. Leave it to Fruit Chan, another staunchly grassroots auteur, to make a documentary on Xi Xi's career. Chan sought out renowned critics and writers to discuss Xi Xi's works, starting with 1979's My City. He also juxtaposes photos of a changing Hong Kong with readings of her writings, and even playfully inserts characters from her stories into the film.


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