唐纳德的日记Donald's Diary(1954)

主演:Clarence Nash Vivi Janiss Leslie Denison 

导演:Jack Kinney / 



孤独而漫长的夜晚,唐老鸭(Clarence Nash 配音)独坐窗边,提笔写下了他和黛西的恋爱往事。遥想当年,唐可谓一个举止优雅、风度翩翩的英俊绅士。在那个晴朗的日子里,他坦然自若地从坡上走过,偏巧这一幕被站在窗口的美丽姑娘黛西(Vivi Janiss 配音)看到。黛西爱慕这位君子,于是梳妆打扮,以最美丽动人的容颜出现在唐的面前。无奈唐不为所动,任凭黛西设下种种邂逅偶遇的小把戏,全然忽视。几经周折,唐终于落入玫瑰陷阱,他和这个火辣的女孩陷入热恋,并见到了黛西三个淘气的弟弟、怪脾气的妈妈和神经不正常的爸爸。   他一步一步向婚姻殿堂走去,也一步步落入被婚姻的墓土掩埋……
Donald is writing in his diary and narrating (in a rather sophisticated voice) about his romance with Daisy. She was able to snare him into a relationship in which they got to know each other better and Donald got to meet Daisy's family. Finally, Donald decides to marry Daisy but when waiting for her to arrive so he can pop the question, he falls asleep and has a nightmarish vision of what married life would be like (among other things that he'll be forced to do all the housework and be served a burnt T bone for dinner). Needless to say, the marriage is called off when he awakens.


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