
又名:The Invisible Man / Invisible Avenger / Tomei ningen


导演:小田基義 / 编剧:日高繁明(脚本)/別府啓(原案)



透明人主演:河津清三郎/三條美紀/土屋嘉男, 在银座4丁目,旧日本军的特殊部队“透明人特攻队”的幸存者轧死的尸体和遗书一起被发现。从遗书的描写可以看出至少还有一个透明人的幸存者。不久之后,自称“透明人”的帮派集团的强盗事件接连发生。另一方面,在酒馆“黑船”里作为Sandwitchman的小丑工作的南条和住在同一栋公寓的盲人少女玛利亚约好了一起买《金发的珍妮》的八音盒。自从第一次自杀以来,新闻记者小松一直在进行透明人的调查,他注意到了访问被袭击的宝石店的南条。然后进入南条的房间的小松,在那里看到了令人吃惊的光景。南条总是穿着小丑的理由——那是因为他是另一个透明人。南条和小松一起,发誓要查明玷污自己名誉,利用麻里祖父最后杀害的黑帮集团的真面目。但是2人的调查结果表明,暴力事件的幕后黑手在“黑船”中
A car strikes an unseen object; blood spreads from an invisible source which becomes visible as the bleeding man dies. He carries with him a suicide note dedicated to his only friend, who is also an invisible man. An eager young reporter tracks down Takemitsu Nanjo, a war veteran who makes his living visibly, painting his face like a clown's and carrying advertising signs. His favorite neighbor is a little blind girl whose mother is running afoul of local gangsters. The gangsters have been terrorizing the city as "the invisible gang," wrapping themselves up in scarves and trenchcoats so as to be visible to their victims, even though they are supposed to be invisible underneath. Once they discover Nanjo, who is defending his only friends, they beat him and leave him for dead.


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