

主演:Paul Frey/Cheryl Studer/Ekkehard Wlaschiha/Gabriele Schnaut/Manfred Schenk/Peter Schneider

导演:沃纳·赫尔佐格 / Brian Large / 



瓦格纳-歌剧《罗恩格林》主演:Paul Frey/Cheryl Studer/Ekkehard Wlaschiha/Gabriele Schnaut/Manfred Schenk/Peter Schneider, 德国大导演赫尔措格的首个歌剧制作是在博洛尼亚上演的布索尼歌剧《浮士德博士》,该制作的成功,吸引了拜罗伊特歌剧节指导沃尔夫冈·瓦格纳的关注,1990年,赫尔措格受邀制作该年度歌剧节的《罗恩格林》,大胆使用激光发射器、投影手段,营造天鹅和圣杯骑士的幻境。该制作首演后,虽然获得国际认可,但德国评论家认为过于华美的场景失去了该剧特有的神秘光环。该制作后由资深电视导播Brain Large录制,于1991年在欧美作电视播出。
The people of the Duchy of Brabant are divided by quarrels and political infighting; also, a devious hostile power left over from the region's pagan past is seeking to subvert the prevailing monotheistic government and to return the Duchy to pagan rule. A mysterious knight, sent by God and possessing superhuman charisma and fighting ability, arrives to unite and strengthen the people, and to defend the innocent noble woman Elsa from a false accusation of murder, but he imposes a condition: the people must follow him without knowing his identity. Elsa in particular must never ask his name, or his heritage, or his origin. The conspirators attempt to undermine her faith in her rescuer, to create doubt among the people, and to force him to leave.


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