未解决的性紧张Tensión sexual no resuelta(2010)

主演:Michelle Jenner/Adam Jeziersky/Salomé Jiménez/Fele Martínez/Miguel Ángel Muñoz

导演:Miguel Ángel Lamata / 编剧:Miguel Ángel Lamata



未解决的性紧张主演:Michelle Jenner/Adam Jeziersky/Salomé Jiménez/Fele Martínez/Miguel Ángel Muñoz, 大学教授胡安霍Juanjo(费莱·马丁内斯饰)被女友塞莱丝特Celeste(莎洛美·希门尼斯饰)甩了,而她又没有向他做出任何解释。拘谨斯文的胡安霍非常沮丧,他心中丢不下塞莱丝特,一心要与她重修旧好。他的两个学生决定帮他——尼科Nico(亚当·耶杰尔斯基饰)想方设法找这对前情人和好的机会,卡门Carmen(阿玛娅·萨拉曼卡饰)则“教”老师脸皮放厚练胆量。   不久,他们发现,塞莱丝特是受到一个小有名气的女作家哈丝Jazz(诺尔玛·鲁伊斯饰)的操纵,落入到一个奸诈诡计的圈套中,但她自己却根本不知,而这个秘密只有露西娅Lucía(皮拉尔·鲁维奥饰)知道。然而,让胡安霍没有想到的是,他为了女友回心转意所做努力的这个看上去好象并不复杂的计划,最终却变成了一场反常的、不道德的游戏......
Juanjo is a college professor who just got dumped by his girlfriend, Celeste. Believing he has been manipulated he recruits his smooth talking student, Nico, to help win her back in exchange for a good grade. The seemingly simple plan starts getting tricky when they find out that Celeste has fallen for a sexy, manipulative female author named Jazz. If that weren't enough Rebecca, one of Juanjo's students who also happens to be Nico's crush, wants her professor all for herself and will do whatever she can to ruin their plans of getting him back together with Celeste. What ensues is a convoluted game of scheming, lies and sexual tension.


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