
主演:Axel Prahl/Inka Friedrich/Anne Ratte-Polle

导演:安德里亚斯·德里森 / 编剧:Laila Stieler



威廉布鲁克主演:Axel Prahl/Inka Friedrich/Anne Ratte-Polle, 威廉布鲁克是个十分幸运的人,有一份成功的事业,一个可爱的妻子,一个耐心的女朋友,在城市里有一套新房子,在郊区又有一套老房子,可谓丰衣足食。但最另他洋洋得意的是他良好的自我感觉——他坚信自己能跨越所有障碍。他和一味年轻女大学生的婚外情草率无望,却清纯可爱。即使在他公司的四辆车被偷时,他也能从容应对。但是,当他和妻子在家中遇劫,警察又将嫌疑犯放走后,他的生活开始急转直下。威廉布鲁克第一次变的神经过敏。朋友送给他的一把左轮手枪给了他安全感,然而当手枪成为一颗时时可能引爆的定时炸弹时,恐惧又一次笼罩了他……
Bernd Willenbrock is a car dealer at Magdeburg, East Germany, a small, but nonetheless successful and well-reputed businessman who has made his way in the post-communist society. A sympathetic wife, a nice house, a fast car, a house on the countryside - these are the attributes of material success that count for Willenbrock. Then, things slowly begin to move into a different direction: Although he loves his wife, Willenbrock is attracted by a young student who keeps him at distance. To do her a favor, he gives her father the job of a night-watchman. But one night, the watchman gets cruelly beaten by burglars. And a bit later, the burglars come to Willenbrock's house at night. This is where the illusion of a quiet, secure, and self-satisfied life reaches an end. Things start to go wrong, well-known procedures don't work anymore, hopes and expectations of all kinds turn into disappointments. Willenbrock is challenged by an increasing feeling of lost safety and control, and he has to ...


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Willenbrock (2005).[Andreas Dresen]
