无法回头돌이킬 수 없는(2010)

又名:不可挽回 / No Doubt

主演:李廷镇 Jeong-jin Lee/金泰宇 Tae-woo Kim

导演:朴秀永 / 编剧:朴秀永 Soo-young Park



无法回头主演:李廷镇 Jeong-jin Lee/金泰宇 Tae-woo Kim, 看似平静的村庄发生了7岁女童离奇失踪的悬案。作为父亲,卢忠植宁肯失去工作也要找回女儿。为了找寻蛛丝马迹,忠植一方面协助刑警破案,一方面孤军作战。嫌疑目标最终锁定在一个刚搬来不久的邻居身上。这个名叫柳世真的男子沉默寡言,看似与世无争,却有犯罪的前科,不得不令人产生怀疑。然而,由于柳世真的沉静性格,使人们对他的印象良好,实在看不出任何破绽。与此同时,在极度悲愤中,卢忠植和村民们的关系也发生了微妙的变化。更大的疑云笼罩在了卢忠植的头顶……
A family moves into the suburbs of Gyunggi-do. A while later a girl named Mi-rim goes missing and chaos takes over the village. Mi-rim's father searches for his daughter and while visiting the police station he stumbles upon a criminal record from one of the family members that just moved. Mi-rim's father and the villagers threaten and pacify Sejin and his family. The film follows the genre conventions of a thriller yet it also contains people's prejudices and oppression. Sejin's past record as a convict rids him of his individuality and his sister is on the brink of losing her job as a kindergarten teacher. The film questions what is true violence. The result, violence does not just include person to person, but can be silent brought on by a community that leads to a sacrifice of an individual. Such is the typical mechanism, murdering individuality through the violence of a group.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 No.Doubt.2010.HDTV.720p.x264-HDCTV.mkv
