
主演:比尔吉特·道尔 Birgit Doll/Elisabeth Trissenaar

导演:Frans Weisz / 编剧:Judith Herzberg



夏洛主演:比尔吉特·道尔 Birgit Doll/Elisabeth Trissenaar, 1939年,夏洛特所罗门离开柏林,去她在法国南部的祖父母的别墅避难。后来,战争爆发,夏洛必须忘记她以前的所有,处理她祖母的抑郁症,和她母亲的自杀。为了对抗绝望,夏洛开始作画,制作了1000张图片。“我的生活是真实的,还是它的戏剧?”这是她给自己工作的头衔,突出了她的前生活在柏林。她发现自己虽然她的艺术,但在1943驱逐到德国和奥斯威辛。
In 1939, Charlotte Salomon leaves Berlin to seek refuge at her grandparents' villa in the south of France. A little later, war breaks out, and Charlotte must, besides forgetting all she left behind, deal with her grandmother's depression, and her mother's suicide. To fight despair, Charlotte starts to paint, producing over 1,000 images. "Is my life real, or is it theater?" This is the title she gives her body of work, which highlights her former life in Berlin. She finds herself though her art, but in 1943 is deported to Germany and Auschwitz.


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