
又名:Back to the North

主演:南笙 Sheng Nan

导演:刘浩 / 编剧:刘浩 Hao Liu



向北方主演:南笙 Sheng Nan, 独生子女小艾身患顽疾,担心自己不久离世,父母很快老去,成为下一个“失独者”,老无所依。小艾毅然鼓励已人至中年的父母和时间赛跑,再生一个孩子,怎奈,此时父母各自内心正遭遇一场情感危机……
After 30 years of one child family policy, Chinese parents who experience the death of their only son or daughter are becoming what is called \"lost families.\" Textile factory worker, Xiao Ai, is diagnosed with a terminal illness and does not have long to live. She is concerned that her parents will become a 'lost family' and have no one to take care of them after her death, so she decides to persuade them to have another child... This has become a poignant issue, as there are more than one million \"lost families\" right now, and this number is likely to keep growing.


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